Sincere gratitude to Victim Assistance

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Victim Assistance.  What a wonderful organisation!  They gave me hope at a time in my life I so desperately needed it. Being a victim of crime, it’s difficult to know how you will cope or where you can turn to.  I was...

Christmas 2022 Draw Winners

The winners of our Christmas Draw are as follows: 1st: Alice Kelly, Treenkeel, Kiltimagh 2nd: Jim Wilson, Claremorris 3rd: James McGowan, Charlestown 4th: Mary McHale, Turlough, Castlebar 5th: Marie Kilcullen, Claremorris 6th: Caroline Lennon, Barnacoogue, Swinford...

Gardai issue SCAM ALERT warning

“Fraudsters claiming to be from An Garda Siochana”. Gardai have received reports of persons receiving phone calls from fraudsters claiming to be members of An Garda Siochana. The number they are calling from appears to be the phone number of a genuine...

Maria Walsh MEP drops in to meet us

“Maria Walsh MEP keeps to a commitment she made before the European election”. Maria Walsh MEP kept to a commitment she made to us before she was elected an M.E.P. by dropping into our office in Kiltimagh. Maria is from Shrule Co Mayo and came to national...
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